Public School System:
One of the biggest reasons for the growth of Vilonia over the last few years is the outstanding public school system that is in place. Serving approximately 3,000 students in southeast Faulkner County, the Vilonia School District is progressive yet traditional values and discipline. The schools offer a safe environment where students can concentrate on academics and activities.
The school district is a major employer of the community and is the central location for many community activities. One of the districts most valuable resources is community support. Also, partnerships exist with the University of Central Arkansas and Arkansas Tech University to offer students an opportunity to take college courses for credit.
The Vilonia School District Board of Education's mission is to support the educational programs of its elementary and secondary schools and, in cooperation with the community, to provide affordable opportunities to ensure students attain the skills and knowledge to prepare them for a successful future and lifelong learning.
The Vilonia Early Childhood Learning Center serves about 184 children ages infant to five. The campus employs 25 full-time staff, including six certified teachers. Activities include a music program and physical education program.
The Vilonia School District Parent Center provides several opportunities throughout the year for family enrichment activities. Each day the center has a volunteer staff that provides numerous services to the children. The center offers extended day hours for working parents.
Eagles Landing is a childcare program for kindergartners through 12-year-olds that operates at the Vilonia Elementary and Vilonia Primary campuses, year round. Students can do homework, visit a computer lab and library, participate in physical education, and go on field trips.
The district offers outstanding programs for special needs students as well as young people with interest in vocational education, gifted and talented, and music. The district has one of the largest and most recognized band programs in the state with more than 700 participants.
The district has a full-time resource officer, who is also a Vilonia city police officer, and has other officers available at activities. Their presence is designed to instill a respect for law and law enforcement, as well as to establish a preventive rather than reactive approach.
Message from Dr. David Stephens, School District Superintendant
Welcome to Vilonia and the Vilonia School District! It is my pleasure to share with you about our school district.
The Vilonia School District provides exceptional educational opportunities for students. Not only do we strive to maintain a rigorous instructional program, but one that is relevant as well. We want every Vilonia graduate to be a life-long learner, someone who continuously seeks to learn, grow and contribute to our community and society.
We encourage and value input from all stakeholders; parents, students, staff and patrons. We want our district to be the model for the state. “Good enough” just isn’t good enough for Vilonia kids. Our kids should have the best educational experience there is to offer – and that includes the best instructional programs, the best extra-curricular programs, the best facilities and the best team of educators and support staff.
If you’re considering a move to the Vilonia area, please feel free to stop by my office. I’ll be happy to show you our school and talk about our plans for the future. If you’re already a part of our district, thank you for your support! I hope you’ll continue to be an active part of our district’s growth.
David Stephens
Vilonia Eagles! Watch us soar!

Recent accomplishments:
Boys Track team won 5A Championship
Girls Track team was 5A Runner-up
Sent Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Baseball, and Softball to the 5A playoffs
State officers in multiple major clubs:
TSA President, Arkansas
FCCLA President, Arkansas
DECA President, Arkansas
DECA VP Marketing, Arkansas
Beta Club President, Arkansas
Beta Club President, National
FBLA Treasurer, Arkansas
P.O. Box 160
11 Eagle St
Vilonia, AR 72173
David Stephens
The Vilonia School District is home to multiple educational facitilies and opportunity centers, all united in providing the very best education possible.
Check out the Vilonia School District Facebook

1164 Main Street
Vilonia, AR 72173
Matt Sewell
Grades 10 - 12

1164a Main Street
Vilonia, AR 72173
Ronnie Simmons
Grade 9

49 Eagle Street,
Vilonia, AR 72173
Lori Lombardi
Grades 7 - 8

98 S. Mt.Olive Rd,
Vilonia, AR 72173
Andy Pennington
Grades 4 - 6

(For students who live East of Coker Road)
15 Eagle Street,
Vilonia, AR 72173
Kelly Walters
Grades K - 3

(For students who live West of Coker Road)
#4 Bane Lane
Conway, AR 72032
Susan Loyd
Grades K - 3

5 Naylor Road
Vilonia, AR 72173
Director: Dr. Cynthia Booker
The Vilonia Early Learning Center / ABC Preschool is a wonderful early childhood program. We strive daily to provide early learning experiences for children that align with the Arkansas’ Child Development Early Learning Standards (CDELS).
Ongoing communication is encouraged and extremely valued. We recognize that every child, parent/family member, teacher, support staff and administrator has a vital role in our school family. We plan with intention to create joyful learning environments which are research-based, early childhood best practices to enrich every student, every day.
Cost is sliding-scale, based on income.

501-514-1996 OR 501-328-3616
15 Eagle Street (FEMA BUILDING)
Vilonia, AR 72173
Eagles Landing includes a program on both the Elementary and the Primary campuses.
The before school program operates from 6:00 am until the school day begins.
The summer program begins the first day after the school year ends. Hours of operation for full days will be 6:00 am - 6:00 pm.
A typical schedule includes a minimum of (may vary dependent upon weather and staffing):
30 minutes of instructional enrichment and skill building
30 minutes of outside play
30 minutes of free choice, centers and activities.

4 Bane Lane
Conway, AR 72032
While the Parent Center does not have its own website, it does have Facebook.
Vilonia Schools' Parent Center is a FREE resource center for parents and other caregivers of Vilonia Schools' students and preschoolers. Services offered through the Center are determined through needs assessment and evaluation surverys administered to these parents, as well as state and federal parental involvement mandates, and include FREE supplemental material to school curriculum, lending library, skill box referral program, classes and workshops of interest to parents.
High school graduates, college students and parents wishing to brush up on math and literacy skills may also contact the center for information about adult education classes. The Parent Center offers other classes for adults on topics of particular interest to parents such as Parenting Skills, Nutrition on a Budget, Drug Education and Prevention, and Internet Safety, as well as many others! Adults may also learn basic computer skills and Internet surfing at the Parent Center and take advantage of our Lending Library.
The Center has also teamed up with Conway Adult Education Center (CAEC) to provide an opportunity for adults to work toward their General Equivalent Diploma (GED) in Vilonia.