Thank you for taking a moment to report your concern. In order to submit your concern, please call City Hall at 501-796-2534 ext 4 (City Clerk) or, for website concerns, email the website administrator.
If you call before or after hours, one of our staff members will return your call at the next available opportunity. Please note City Hall hours are as follows: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Common concerns include:
Street Department
Culvert Repair
Removal of Debris
Driveway Pipe - Repair/Clean
Missing/Damaged Traffic/Road Sign
Potholes/Street Repair
Sidewalk Repair
Storm Drains - Repair/Clean
Standing Water
Code Violations
Grass Mowing
Illegal Disposal/Littering on Private Property
Inoperable Vehicle
Overgrown Grass / Low Hanging Limbs
Website Issues
For all website issues, questions, or requests, please email the administrator HERE.